Accountability With Coach B

Habit & Lifestyle Coaching

It’s A Major Game Changer!

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Our Habits Are Powerful Leaders in Our Life Every Single Day.

You Will Be Amazed By Your Increased Confidence, Energy Levels, Calm, Self-Ease, & Ability to Reach & Crush Your Goals By Being Coached Into Better Daily Habits.


The “Accountability with Coach B” Habit and Lifestyle Coaching is a HUGE Game Changer for your life.

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Change is hard and if it were easy then everyone would do it?” There’s a lot of truth to that statement, but the key words missing in that phrase are “Change is hard, WHEN YOU ATTEMPT TO DO IT ALL ALONE.”

Under the guidance of a great coach team’s rise, realize and maximize their potential, and feel safe to take healthy risks to grow, learn, and become the best versions of themselves. The coach is a guide and provides the strategy but the individuals must still do the work.

So, whether I am working with you as an individual or a team of people my role is create a custom “practice plan” to get you to rise, to maximize and reach your fullest potential, to feel super safe taking healthy risks to grow, and win at your game of life.

Your daily routines and habits have an incredible impact on how you are living and feeling every single day. That phrase, We Are Creatures of Habit, is so true! To conserve energy, for all the doing and thinking your life requires of you EVERY DAY, your brain wires in habits and routines. It doesn’t filter between helpful habit or unhelpful habit, unless you specifically sent that message. And, since most of the habits you have right now didn’t settle in your brain tagged helpful or unhelpful, they are just there.

In case you didn’t know your brain is plastic. Not like the kind of plastic that hurts our environment, but plastic in a really good way. This means that your habits CAN CHANGE because your brain is plastic and able to shift and reshape. But it takes work and effort and that’s where trying to do things alone makes is so much harder and can lead to feelings of failure.

Let’s ditch the “I CAN DO THIS ALONE” stuff and be a game changer by getting coaching support. In my “Accountability with Coach B” coaching program I have brought together my deep skills and knowledge in education, human behavior, personalized consulting for results, fitness, nutrition, and the science of habits to help you elevate your life by becoming aware of and mastering your habits for full mind/body health and wellness.

Basically, my programming helps you create and live a life with utmost confidence, energy, ease, calm, and feeling like you can conquer and crush your goal. Sounds like a “no brainer”, right? I agree with YOU!

Check Out My Programming Options Below!

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INDIVIDUAL In Person & Online Habit &LIfestyle Accountability Coaching

In this option our initial meeting is at my office at 161 Lowell Street in Andover or a neutral location within a 20 mile drive from my office.

Initially I learn about the habits and routines you are looking to shift and/or the goals you are looking to achieve. Often times starting with the goal(s) you want to achieve supports the unraveling of habit and routine changes that will make that happen. It’s a fun and fascinating process!

Then we work together to create a customized coaching plan based on goals and desired shifts & changes.

I coach and support you daily through the Nudge app, which I have customized to use for my “Accountability with Coach B” habit & lifestyle coaching.

Coaching you through this app is a Game Changer! All of our communication is stored in your profile, it keeps track of your “habit streaks”, how decision shifts and choices are affecting how you feel, and allows me to send you reminders and messages through our coach/client relationship on the app.

If you want to add on in person or remote movement coaching/personal training, run coaching, small group training, or classes at my studio space, you can!

“Accountability with Coach B” Pricing

$65 For the initial assessment, up to one hour. I gain a thorough knowledge on what you want to achieve and current habits and routines that may be holding you back AND the ones that are helpful, as this matters too! During this time we also set up your Nudge account and I show you how to access and use it and we set up your customized “Accountability with Coach B” plan.

$35 Monthly for Customized Coaching Support through Nudge. I interact and support you daily through our coach/client profile. It’s incredible how helpful it is to have EVERYTHING in one place and to receive coaching throughout the day! It’s a Game Changer!

$15 for a 15 minute call or appointment at my office to touch base. If you want more coaching in person or over the phone we make that happen! To add more time it’s $5 per 10 added minutes.

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Individual All Online habit & lifestyle accountability coaching

In this option our initial meeting is a zoom call, which you are free to take from wherever! It’s helpful on your end if you are in a quieter environment, so can best hear one another.

Initially I learn about the habits and routines you are looking to shift and/or the goals you are looking to achieve. Often times starting with the goal(s) you want to achieve supports the unraveling of habit and routine changes that will make that happen. It’s a fun and fascinating process!

Then we work together to create a customized coaching plan based on goals and desired shifts & changes.

I coach and support you daily through the Nudge app, which I have customized to use for my “Accountability with Coach B” habit & lifestyle coaching.

Coaching you through this app is a Game Changer! All of our communication is stored in your profile, it keeps track of your “habit streaks”, how decision shifts and choices are affecting how you feel, and allows me to send you reminders and messages through our coach/client relationship on the app.

If you want to add on in person or remote movement coaching/personal training, run coaching, small group training, or classes at my studio space, you can!

“Accountability with Coach B” Pricing

$65 For the initial assessment, up to one hour. I gain a thorough knowledge on what you want to achieve and current habits and routines that may be holding you back AND the ones that are helpful, as this matters too! During this time we also set up your Nudge account and I show you how to access and use it and we set up your customized “Accountability with Coach B” plan.

$35 Monthly for Customized Coaching Support through Nudge. I interact and support you daily through our coach/client profile. It’s incredible how helpful it is to have EVERYTHING in one place and to receive coaching throughout the day! It’s a Game Changer!

$15 for a 15 minute call or appointment at my office to touch base. If you want more coaching in person or over the phone we make that happen! To add more time it’s $5 per 10 added minutes.

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small group in person or online habit & lifestyle accountability coaching

Working with a partner or group of friends, family, or colleagues who are invested in a similar goal or habit change is a great way to have even more support in your journey. You get me, your coach, and your teammates, on the same/similar, journey providing support.

For example lets’ say a group of friends, family, or colleagues all want to run a spring half-marathon together or want to bring better daily nutrition into your work & home life, then this is a great option, as you have a common goal and you will have my coaching to guide you to success.

Initially, we set up a zoom call or if everyone can meet at my office at the same time or at a neutral location, within 20 miles of my Andover office, that’s an option too. Most groups prefer a zoom call. This way if someone misses the call, it’s recorded and can be shared with the group. In the call, I learn about the group goal and/or habit and routines shifts your group wants to achieve.

Then we work together to create a customized coaching plan based on goals and desired shifts & changes.

I coach and support your group daily through the Nudge app, which I have customized to use for my “Accountability with Coach B” habit & lifestyle coaching.

Coaching your group through this app is a Game Changer! All of our group communication is stored in your group profile. Through our group Nudge account I send your group daily coaching tips, reminders, and resources to keep you working to your desired goal/result.

If anyone in the group wants additional customized support, as part of the group goal, then we can set that up too!

Accountability with Coach B” Pricing

$65 For the initial assessment, up to one hour. This is one total price and your group members split the cost, as you see fit. During the call, I gain a thorough knowledge on the dynamics of your group and what your group wants to achieve. During this time we also set up your Nudge account and I show each person in the group how to set up a Nudge a how to access and use it and we set up your customized “Accountability with Coach B” plan.

$20 monthly for each person in “Accountability with Coach B” group goal coaching plan. I interact and support you daily through our coach/client profile. It’s incredible how helpful it is to have EVERYTHING in one place and to receive coaching throughout the day! It’s a Game Changer!

$15 for a 15 minute zoom call to touch base. If you want more coaching in person or over the phone we make that happen! To add more time it’s $5 per 10 added minutes. If any group members miss the call, it’s recorded and shared with your group.

Reminder - If anyone in the group wants additional customized support, as part of the group goal, then we can set that up too! *Additional cost for interested individuals.